Our Impact

We have an overarching commitment to transforming lives.

Our systematic interventions meet individuals where they are. By collaborating with donors, government, community members, service providers, and our committed employees, we empower individuals and families to reach their full potential. We leverage the support and resources of all stakeholders with transparency and accountability, ensuring our collective efforts work to transform communities and alleviate problems of homelessness, addiction, and justice-related issues.

Embrave Success Stories

City Hope Success

Experience and Gratitude for City Hope

Hear from people who have experienced homelessness and came to City Hope for their compassionate and personalized approach. Learn personal stories of living on the streets, highlighting the challenges and struggles faced on a daily basis. The interviewed residents also expressed gratitude for the support they received from City Hope and how it helped them regain their dignity and purpose and see a brighter future.

39 years

Of Serving Our Community

700 clients

Served Annually by Embrave


Successful Program Completions Per Year

180 clients

Completed Intensive Addiction Treatment Since 2018

1878 homeless

COVID-Positive Clients Housed

We provide transformative community solutions at the pinnacle of service.