40 years
Of Serving Our Community
700 clients
180 clients
1878 homeless
COVID-Positive Clients Housed
Our Mission
We believe people can and do change. Embrave creates opportunities for people to succeed and thrive in our community.
Our Vision
Investing in people and innovating services that build healthier lives, stronger families, and safer communities.
How We Help
With the support of our community we combine compassion & dignity with resources & innovation to heal and enhance the lives of people in need.
Here’s how:
We All Have a Responsibility to Our Community
Join us to spark the truth of new possibilities. Through creative and innovative efforts to alleviate problems of homelessness, mental health difficulties, and justice-related issues, Embrave serves the Community in building a brighter future. Be a part of that service by supporting our efforts through donations, and help us hold the torch for those in our Community who are experiencing the darkest hours of their lives.
Success Stories
When we hold the torch for those who are experiencing their darkest hours, we light the way to hope, health, and stability.
Community Partners
We Have 38 Years of experience serving the Community. Our Partners Include: