40 years

Of Serving Our Community

700 clients

Served Annually by Embrave


Successful Program Completions Per Year

180 clients

Completed Intensive Addiction Treatment Since 2018

1878 homeless

COVID-Positive Clients Housed

Our Mission

We believe people can and do change. Embrave creates opportunities for people to succeed and thrive in our community.

Our Vision

Investing in people and innovating services that build healthier lives, stronger families, and safer communities.

How We Help

With the support of our community we combine compassion & dignity with resources & innovation to heal and enhance the lives of people in need.

Here’s how:

Justice Involved

We offer guidance, rehabilitation, and housing for men and women who are reintegrating back into our Community after a conviction.

Mental & Behavioral Health

We work to disrupt the generational cycles of mental health and behavioral struggles through effective community and individual programming and support.


Through expertise and support, we encourage clients to actively participate in their own future, overcoming addiction challenges with intensive therapy and rehabilitation programs.

Community Innovation

Current programming for justice-involved individuals leaves gaps in care and intervention. We work to fill those gaps, ensuring that those experiencing challenging times can find resources and services.

We All Have a Responsibility to Our Community

Join us to spark the truth of new possibilities. Through creative and innovative efforts to alleviate problems of homelessness, mental health difficulties, and justice-related issues, Embrave serves the Community in building a brighter future. Be a part of that service by supporting our efforts through donations, and help us hold the torch for those in our Community who are experiencing the darkest hours of their lives.

Success Stories

When we hold the torch for those who are experiencing their darkest hours, we light the way to hope, health, and stability.

April, Former Embrave Client

“I found my way to Embrave by committing a money crime. We opened accounts and ran up about a half a million dollars in fraudulent charges. I thought I had the life. Looking back, I realize I was lost and depressed and on a lot of pills and drugs to keep up with the lifestyle. I had fears that I wouldn’t make it and I was scared. I ended up being arrested 46 times for this case. I had never been in jail before or experienced it, I came from a good family. I was at Embrave for 6 months and now am getting ready to leave and go on parole. I have a good job now, a new house lined up, and a positive outlook. I feel confident and successful, and I am a better person. The staff has been wonderful, they don’t look down at you like an inmate; they treat you like a client. My case manager is wonderful, I confide in her and everything. It has been a wonderful experience. Embrave gave me the tools and community resources to go out in the world and face my problems without drugs or alcohol. I am hopeful about my future.”

Bruce’s Story

” I hit rock bottom when I lost my wife five years ago to a drug overdose. Before that I had everything in line- a job, a house and cars, and my kids had everything they needed. We were a happy family. When my wife passed away, I didn’t know how to cope which is when I turned to drugs to help me mask my emotions. I made some bad decisions with drugs and street life which is how I ended up at Embrave. At my worst, I was afraid of running out of money, not having a place to sleep at night, or not having food to eat. I was afraid I would die of a drug overdose. Since I’ve been at Embrave, I’ve learned tools and coping skills for the next time I think about using. The amazing staff gave me a lot of support and community resources and it’s evident that they care about clients. Now I feel alive again, like a whole new person. I’ve been a mentor at Embrave and I am excited to get into peer coaching and get my kids back in my life. It is very important for me to stay sober so I can be the dad I know I need to be for my kids. I know it’s going to get hard, but I know not to give up. The future looks bright for me.”

Brian, Former Embrave Client

“I was addicted to drugs and selling them for 15 years. I was in and out of prison and, after serving time, was moved to Embrave to finish my sentence. At Embrave, I learned about myself, my impulsivity, and how to cope with my emotions. My therapists and case manager helped me with resources and learning new skills and coping mechanisms so that I don’t go back to drugs once I’m released. I’ve made the most of my time at Embrave- I’m a group leader and peer mentor, and I’m working on becoming a peer coach and eventually would like to become a psychologist. I have completed the Intensive Rehabilitation Training (IRT) program and facilitated classes. I want to start an app-based sobriety program to help others. The staff at Embrave genuinely cares about their clients and want to see us succeed. I now describe myself as a principle-centered goal-oriented person who can do anything I want in life. I’ve learned to see myself as a sober, loving father, and I can’t wait to be an active part of my kids’ lives again.”

Community Partners

We Have 38 Years of experience serving the Community. Our Partners Include: