Client Resources
Dear Client,
We are glad you are here, welcome to Embrave! You have a great opportunity to challenge yourself, reconsider where you are aiming your future, and consider making the sacrifices you need to make, to build a better future. At Embrave, we believe people can change. We believe you can change! It will not be easy, nor should it be. At Embrave we operate on the values of SERVICE. This word is linked to seven values including SAFETY, ENGAGEMENT, RESPECT, VOICE, INTEGRITY, COMMITMENT, and EXCELLENCE. When you take on these values and begin living them out each day, your life will change. A brief description of each of our values is below. Memorize them, practice them, live them!
Our Client Support Specialists, and Client Program Specialists and every other staff member including myself are here to support you and you seek to change your future. At Embrave, you will be challenged to look at your history, encouraged to consider a new future, and supported to create a new way of life! You can expect it to be difficult and to be confronted. However, Embrave intends for your benefit not your harm.
When you need something or have a question, please ask your Client Program Specialist or one of our staff members. We are here to be a resource for you, and we want you to succeed. You may have never intended to end up here or you may have pursued a placement here at Embrave. In both cases, I believe you are here for a specific purpose and reason. Grasp the opportunity before you. Aim upward to better days in the goals you set. And dedicate yourself to taking action to meet those goals!
Embrave’s Core Values make up the acronym of SERVICE.
Safety: We take steps to protect our clients, our team, and our community
Engagement: We tailor supports to the needs of each client and of our community
Respect: We treat others in a way that promotes dignity
Voice: We listen actively, speak up, and say what we mean
Integrity: We are honest, transparent, and do what we say we are going to do
Commitment: We are dedicated to our purpose, those we serve, and each other.
Excellence: We improve performance, take smart risks, and find a better way
What to Expect During Your Stay
The goal of any Community Corrections program is that a person who is in the transition between custody and supervision, will gain the knowledge, skills and other abilities to ease the process back to becoming a citizen. The goal is to help transition our clients to be a productive members of society and to keep our communities safe.
Every citizen in our society has responsibilities and expectations in their everyday life. We expect you to commit to want to change to become a productive member of society. We expect our clients to be respectful, truthful, caring and be willing to help at any given moment. The handbook will explain rules and expectations for all of our residential clients. We expect all clients to read this handbook thoroughly and to take pride in their facility, to help keep the facilities safe and clean.
Our priority is to keep our facilities and the communities safe. With this handbook, you will gain the knowledge of our programs and your residential facility. We expect our clients to be respectful to their fellow clients within the facilities, we expect our clients to follow all rules, policies, and procedures.
Embrave offers clients a hot breakfast, cold lunch, and a hot dinner every day of the week. Embrave has set dining times for clients, these are posted at all facilities.
Clients who are going to be at work during these mealtimes must sign up for a late meal the day before the client will not be present. If clients are on grounds during mealtimes, the client is expected to attend their scheduled mealtime. Clients on grounds will NOT receive a late meal. Late meals do not apply for clients who are on personal pass during mealtimes.
Each facility has vending machines which clients may utilize.
Clients may order food to the facility. However, any food being delivered by Doordash, Uber or any other 3rd party delivery will be rejected.
Embrave allows clients to have one approved cellphone. The client must understand and sign the cellphone contract before the client is allowed to possess the cellphone.
Staff has the right to search a client’s phone at any time and for any reason. If a client refuses to turn over their cellphone or refuses to give the password, it may result in an incident report.
Clients shall not have any picture or in writing anything that is on the contraband list for drugs, explicit photos, or weapons.
If a client has a positive urinalysis test, the cellphone will be confiscated from the client.
The client is required to update staff on any password change on the cellphone.
Each facility has phones that clients may utilize if they do not have a cellphone.
Male and female clients shall not have in person contact with each other, if it is found that male and female clients are communicating in person, it will result in an incident report.
Cellphones are a privilege, and these privileges may be revoked at any time.
Here at Embrave, smoking and vaping are a privilege, and this privilege can be revoked at any time, for any reason.
- Clients must smoke or vape in the correctly designated smoking area.
- Clients are responsible to throw their cigarette butt in the cigarette butt can.
- The smoke pit must remain clean and free of cigarette butts at all times.
CHORES (Center Duties)
Clients may be randomly directed by staff to perform center duties. Center duties are two weeks of chores of which the client will be directed to complete daily. The chores may differ in locations across the facility. Clients must see staff after completion of their chore for staff to physically ensure the chore has been completed. The client will then be required to have their center duty signed off by staff.
If the client finishes their two weeks of center duties, the client may not be assigned another center duty for two weeks. Staff have the ability to choose a client who has multiple extra duty hours to complete center duties.
Clients may also be able to volunteer or be scheduled in the kitchen and volunteer to clean areas of the facility to clear chore hours.
Embrave’s dress code applies to both clients and visitors. Clients and their visitors may be asked to change any article of clothing if deemed necessary by staff.
- Shoes must be worn at all times.
- Clothing must be clean and cover cleavage, back, stomach, and underarms. Clients may NOT wear wife beaters or tank tops outside of their bays/rooms.
- You must be fully dressed in the facilities. Clients must change in their assigned restroom behind the changing area curtain.
- Hats, sunglasses, and hoodies are not to be worn inside of the facility.
- You must get approval from staff to be able to change your hair color, you must also gain permission to get a piercing and a tattoo. If you are permitted to do any of these things, staff will have to re-take the client’s photo.
You are expected to maintain good personal hygiene. Clients must shower on a regular basis along with doing laundry on a regular basis. If clients fail to maintain good personal hygiene, their case manager may place the client on a personal hygiene client contract. Staff has hygiene kits available for clients with no hygiene products.
Embrave will provide clients with a complete set of linens. Each client will be given a single mattress and pillow. Extra linen is not available. You may not possess non facility issued linen or pillow, that are not flame retardant. Clients shall not use a blanket to hang on the bunk as to block out the light. The only item permitted to hang from the bunk is a wet towel that will be hung at the end of the bunk. Once the towel is dry, the client is required to remove the towel. If a client has a doctor’s note requiring the client to have an extra mattress. The client is responsible for obtaining their own medical mattress that needs to be fire retardant.
Bottom bunk
Bottom bunks are assigned on an as available basis. If you require a bottom bunk due to medical needs, you must comply with Policy 2000-20 Bottom Bunk Restrictions. Medical need breaks down into two categories:
A. Clients who cannot safely climb onto the upper bunk.
B. Clients who have a medical condition that could lead to them falling out of a top bunk.
Scripts from medical professionals requesting a bottom bunk must be from a physician. Movement to a bottom bunk due to a temporary condition may require monthly notices from the physician documenting medical status.
Common Areas
You are only permitted to enter your assigned bay/room and dayroom. You may not cross the threshold of another bay/room that you are not assigned to. Clients are not allowed to play loud music in any area of the building. All common areas are required to be always kept clean.
Clients are not permitted to tamper with light fixtures, propping open doors, or altering facility property in any way.
Client Lockers
Personal items may be displayed on the inside of the locker. Walls and the outside of lockers must remain clean and clear of any decoration.
Lockers must be organized and have no excessive property and must be easy to search.
Lockers must be closed and locked at all times unless the client is retrieving property. Embrave is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
Food must be always dated and stored in your locker; no food will be stored outside of the client’s locker.
Work Lockers
Clients who have work tools are allowed to place them into the tool lockers. Clients must obtain the key from staff. These lockers are also searched, clients are only permitted to keep tools in these lockers. There should be no food or other property stored in these lockers.
Room inspections are conducted daily. Clients are required to pass room inspections. Clients may only have their footlocker (facility dependent), laundry bag, and shoes under their bunk. There should be nothing under or around the mattress. Beds must be made on a daily basis; blankets should be tucked under the mattress. All property needs to be organized and placed into the client’s locker or footlocker/cubby.
If a client fails room inspection, the client will be placed on a facility hold until their area is within requirements. Facility holds may be issued for a longer amount of time depending on the condition of the client’s area. If a client fails multiple times in a week, the client will receive an incident report. Failure to pass room inspections may result in the client losing personal passes.
- Beds must be neatly made at all times. Sheets and blankets must be tucked under the mattress.
- Nothing shall be under the mattress or around your mattress.
- Extra sheets and blankets are not permitted, unless otherwise authorized.
- Extra pillows and mattresses are not authorized. Doctor notes prescribing an extra mattress must be bought by the client and be fire retardant. Staff has a list of approved mattresses for the client’s knowledge.
- All personal belongings should be in the client’s locker, footlocker, or cubby depending on facility.
- Locker/footlocker/cubby needs to be shut and locked at all times, unless the client is actively using the locker.
- Bunk frame should only have the following items hanging from the bunk:
- One laundry bag
- One backpack
- One towel/washcloth for drying purposes
- One jacket
- Under the bunk there should only be the following items:
- Footlocker (facility depending)
- 5 pairs of shoes
- The bunk area needs to be clear of all trash, dust bunnies, boxes, and personal property.
- For the 3615 Ph. 3 facility, only hygiene items are permitted to be on the top of the locker.
- Due to limited space and staff conducted routine searches, you are expected to abide by the limit of clothing and items previously covered in this handbook. If clients are seen to have property over the allotted amount, the client will be faced with a room inspection failure, possible write up, and possibly having the property confiscated by staff.
- All clothing must be hung on the cross bar or neatly folded inside the locker.
- All trash cans must be emptied once they are full.
- These common areas are a center duty that other clients clean on a daily basis, with these being stated, clients are responsible for cleaning up after themselves and removing all trash or food after the client leaves these areas.
- All floors are expected to be swept and mopped and look clean throughout the day.
- All surfaces are expected to be cleaned and free of personal belongings.
- The bathrooms must be cleaned and kept clean at all times. Staff ensure the cleanliness three times daily.
- Any personal items left behind by clients may be confiscated by staff.
Staff may conduct searches, at any time, to include clients’ persons, property, vehicle, and lockers. Clients’ visitors may also be subject to a search of their property and belongings. This is to ensure the safety of clients, staff, and the facility. These searches may include, but are not limited to pat searches, room/bay searches, vehicle searches, and personal property searches. Every time a client returns to the facility, they are required to check in with staff to see if they have any substance testing. Staff may also search the client’s backpack, shopping bags, and any other items upon the client returning to the facility.
You will be randomly tested for substance use throughout your stay at Embrave.
- You will be required to check in with staff upon your return to the facility.
- After you are notified for a urinalysis test, you have two hours to provide. If the client fails to provide within the allotted two-hour time frame, the client will receive an incident report for failing to follow a staff directive.
- Clients are only allowed 2 cups of water per hour.
- All urine samples that come back from the testing company as untestable, the client will receive an incident report for a HOT UA. The following are examples of samples being untestable:
- Leaked samples
- Diluted samples
- Fake or untestable urine
- Clients will also be tested for alcohol use using a breathalyzer. If a client has eaten, drunk any fluids, or smoked within the past 15 minutes before the test, clients will have to remain at the tech office for 15 minutes before the test will be given.
- If a breathalyzer is positive, clients will be required to stay at the tech office and take hourly breathalyzers until the breathalyzer shows a result of 0.000. At this point, the client will receive a urinalysis test.
All facilities have posted fire exit doors, all facilities will announce when an emergency is taking place. Clients are required to participate in staff-initiated fire drills to become familiar with exit routes and gathering areas. If the fire alarm goes off, the following is expected of clients:
- Remain calm
- Do not waste time grabbing possessions (your life is more valuable than your possessions)
- Follow the posted fire exit routes
- If faced with heat or smoke, stay low to the ground
- Before opening a closed door, feel the door. If the door is warm or if smoke is flowing in, DO NOT open the door. Proceed to a different exit route.
- After exiting the facility, please head towards your facilities gathering area.
- Do not re-enter the building unless you have been cleared from staff to do so.
During a lockdown, clients are required to return to their bays/rooms immediately. Clients must remain in their bays/rooms until the lockdown is cleared. Clients will not be permitted to sign out of the facility. Movement throughout the facilities will be prohibited until the lockdown has been lifted. Lockdowns may occur at any time.
What you can (and can’t) have
- Hygiene items
- Clip on reading lamps and alarm clocks
- Books
- Bike and bike lock (no tools may be kept in client property)
- Cellphone (must sign cellphone contract with assigned case manager)
- Hat and sunglasses
- Clothing and hangers:
- 10 shirts, 10 pairs of pants, 4 coats or jackets, 5 pairs of shoes
- Laundry detergent
- Food – all food must be dated and consumed in 24 hours; food will not be permitted on the floor.
- All property must fit into the client’s assigned locker/footlocker/cubby, client area and locker must adhere to the room inspection standards. Staff must easily be able to search your property, therefore excessive property will not be accepted.
Clients are permitted to have perfume/cologne, along with hairspray, moose, nail polish.
- Dangerous instruments, i.e., firearms; knives or other weapons; ammunition for any weapon; incendiary or explosive devices; or any substances which are readily capable of causing or inducing fear of death or bodily injury.
- Any material or item that is labeled poison, combustible, or hazardous.
- Any illegal drug, Marijuana, CBD, THC in any form (flower, wax, dabs, concentrate, edibles, etc.)
- Any unauthorized prescription medication
- Any malt (beer), vinous (wine), or spirituous liquor and other liquors what are produced by the fermentation of yeast, sugars, and starches
- Any glue, paints, butane, plastics, foam materials, or substance that may be used to produce an impaired mental state
- Any drug paraphernalia such as roach clips, bongs, needles, incense, syringes, cigarette rolling paper, pipes, pipe cleaners,
- items modified from their intended use that could reasonably be assumed to be makeshift paraphernalia, etc
- Any counterfeit or forged ID cards or documents
- For clients whose program restricts the use or possession of pornography: Any picture, photograph, drawing, sculpture, motion picture film, or similar visual representation or image of a person or portion of the human body which depicts sexually explicit nudity, sexual conduct or sadomasochistic abuse intended to provoke sexual arousal or stimulation; or any printed material, sound recording which contains any matter previously mentioned or explicit verbal description or narrative accounts of sexual excitement, sexual conduct, or sadomasochistic abuse intended to provoke sexual arousal or stimulation. This includes images and movies on electronic devices.
- Any items that, in the opinion of Embrave staff, are or could be potentially dangerous or detrimental to the well-being of staff, residents, or visitors
- Any item(s) that could be interpreted as promoting gang activity. This includes clothing with gang-related messages or meanings, such as bandanas, profanity, or items that promote drug or alcohol use.
- ID cards or documents belonging to another person
- Any unauthorized cell phone, tablet, or laptop.
- Any liquid cough syrup or medicine containing pseudoephedrine i.e., Sudafed
- Baking soda, charcoal tablets, vinegar, bleach, poppy seeds, Kratom, Kava, or detox drinks
- Any item or substance that is intended to obscure the results of urinalysis tests.
- Tattoo guns and tattoo ink, whether manufactured or improvised
- Anything labeled flammable, dangerous, or toxic
- EBT/SNAP cards
- Over-the-counter medications in quantities over 50. OTC medications must be identifiable and in the original container. Clients may have one container of protein powder in the original container.
- Scissors exceeding 3” in length.
- Mouthwash containing alcohol.
- Unauthorized weightlifting equipment.
- Any electrical appliance/device which requires 1250 watts of electricity or more, including but not limited to, refrigerators, hot plates, microwave ovens, coffee makers/warmers, and television sets.
- Lamps, with the exception of small personal clip-on lamps.
- More than one plastic storage bin. Bins must be clear and must fit under the bunk.
- Laundry baskets or hampers.
- More than one small cardboard box.
- Luggage or large duffel bags.
- Perishable food stored longer than 24 hours or un-dated food.
- Non-facility-issued pillows.
- Personal linens and blankets that are not washable and fire retardant.
- Large Coolers. Clients may possess small lunch box-size coolers.
- Any furniture that is not the property of Embrave (including chairs or bedside tables).
- Auto parts, tools, or utility knives not stored in an Embrave locker.
- More than one small plush toy or stuffed animal per client.
- More than 10 DVDs/video games per client or burned discs.
- Clothing in excess of; 10 sets of clothes, 4 coats or jackets, and 5 pairs of shoes.
- Any surge protector, extension cord, or multi-plug outlet adaptor.
- Rugs. Clients may have one indoor doormat per room.
- Any unidentifiable substance not in its original container.
- TV’s greater than 32 inches and only one TV per room (No TVs allowed at RRRF facility).
- Glass containers except: nail polish, cologne or perfume.
- Cleaning chemicals not provided by staff.
- Any item that could be identified as being detrimental to the good order, and/or discipline of EMBRAVE, although not specifically listed, may also be considered contraband.
Coming and Going
Embrave is not responsible for transporting or for finding transportation for clients. Clients are allowed to have a bicycle that may be kept in the facilities bike rack. Clients must register their bike with staff. All bike parts will have to remain in a tool locker. If a client gets approval for a taxi voucher, the client will be charged for the voucher.
Clients must utilize the kiosk to sign out and in from work or a pass. Clients are responsible for signing out of the facility correctly. Clients are also responsible for signing out on the correct trip.
Clients must check in with staff upon returning to the facility.
Clients are responsible for turning in their work schedule or pass request forms to their case managers every week before Tuesday.
Clients are only allowed to be at the location that is stated on their trip, if the client is found off location it will result in an incident report.
While you are under Embrave’s supervision, you may be called back to the facility at any time if staff believes you, are off location. If staff cannot verify your accountability, clients may be placed on escape. Clients may also be placed on escape if clients do not return to the facility on or before there due back time. If a client is knowingly going to be late, the client must stay in contact with the facility.
Flex Pass vs. Fixed Pass
A flex pass allows the client to leave the facility at any time. These are usually used for personal passes or hygiene passes. A fixed pass is a pass that has fixed times, clients will only be able to sign out of the facility at the specific time. An example for this trip type is work passes.
Clients will have travel time to and from their destination. Clients can either travel by public transportation, walking, auto, or bicycle
Sign Out/In Expectations
- In a 24-hour period, clients are required to spend 8 hours on grounds at the facility.
- Clients must use a landline or approved alternate form their destination when making arrival, departure, or change of location calls as directed.
- Notify your case manager as soon as possible with any upcoming appointments.
- Clients have the ability to be on the on-call/extension list for work. Please get with your case manager to be placed on this list. Clients are only allowed two extensions per week for ONLY two hours. Extensions must be requested prior to departure time.
- Your travel time begins the moment you sign out of the facility.
- Immediately report ANY police contact to staff.
- Staff will conduct whereabout calls to ensure the client is at their approved location.
Clients will create their own pin in which they will use to sign in into the client kiosk. Clients will also utilize this pin when they are notified of a urinalysis test.
The kiosk is how clients will be able to sign out and back into the facility. Clients will also be able to look at messages sent to them from staff, their chore hours, pass restriction, trips, incident reports and incentive points.
Clients will be required to check their kiosk once every day.
Curfew for all facilities is 2300 hours, this means that all clients on personal passes must return to the facility by 2300 hours if they are out on pass. At this time no clients may utilize the dayrooms, laundry rooms or smoking areas. If a client returns from work after 2300 hours, that client will be permitted to have one hour of down time in which that client may utilize the dayroom, laundry room and smoking area.
Staff has the ability to change the curfew to an earlier time, this can occur on holidays.
Visitation and Mail
For the time being Embrave does not allow visitation due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Clients may receive drop offs during the approved drop off times and drop off location. Clients may receive clothing and hygiene items for their initial drop off. All drop offs after the client’s initial drop off must fit into two-gallon size zip-lock bags. All drop-offs are to be delivered to the tech office and will be subject to search. There shall be no contact between the client and the individual performing the drop off.
You can receive mail or packages while being a client at Embrave. Please have mail sent to:
3950 Facility
(Your First and Last Name)
3950 N. Nevada Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
3615 Roberts Road Facility
(Your First and Last Name)
3615 Roberts Rd.
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Any mail that is not clearly labeled with the client’s name may be returned to the sender. All mail may be subject to a search, clients are required to open all packages in front of staff. Mail is delivered Monday through Saturday, except on holidays. Clients will receive a message on their kiosk notifying them of receiving mail. You are responsible to completing a change of address when you exit the program, all mail sent to the facility will be returned to the sender. You may not have any contraband sent through the mail to the facility.
Medical Needs
Clients have the right to seek their own medical care at their own expense. Clients are required to notify their case manager before their scheduled appointment.
Clients are required to obtain their own transportation. Staff are not responsible for transportation.
At any time, a client needs to go to the emergency room, they need to get with staff about obtaining permission from a supervisor to be able to put a trip in for the client.
If in a medical emergency, staff will call 911. Once the paramedics and/or the fire department arrive on grounds. The facility will be placed on a lockdown, in which all clients will have to return to their bay/room immediately.
If you are having a medical emergency, please let staff know immediately, if you come across a client that is having a medical emergency, please also let staff know immediately.
Prescription Medications:
- All prescription medications must be turned into staff before a client consumes any medication.
- The medication must be in its original packaging and sealed from the pharmacy with the receipt and instructions.
- Medication must be turned into staff IMMEDIATELY upon the clients return to the facility.
- All medications must be taken during the medication times that are posted at each facility.
- A client can receive an incident report, if the client takes medication outside of the designated medication times.
- Clients are allowed to “pack out” one dose of medication if they will be gone during a medication time. Clients are required to create the pack outs during a designated medication time.
- The only medication allowed to be taken outside of medication times are PRN (as needed) medication.
- All controlled medication will be kept in another locked box for accountability.
- Clients will only take one medication at a time; clients must do a mouth sweep after each medication.
- Staff are not allowed to deviate from the direction of the medication. If the medication states to be taken in the morning, staff will not give the medication at night. Clients must abide by the directions and dosage instructions.
Over the counter medication:
- Clients are allowed to keep prescribed inhales or any immediate lifesaving drug on their persons.
- Clients may not be allowed to have on their persons any over-the-counter medication that contains Ephedrine, dextromethorphan, or alcohol.
- Clients are not allowed to have any sleep aids, such as: melatonin, Benadryl, or PM medications.
- Clients cannot possess any liquid cough syrup.
- Clients can only possess over-the-counter medication with the quantity of 50 or less.
- Clients are responsible if any over-the-counter medications result in the client having a positive urinalysis test.
- All medication must be kept in their original container.
It is the policy of Embrave to have zero tolerance towards all forms of sexual abuse and sexual harassment and staff, interns, contractors, and volunteers will prevent, detect, and to report immediately report all appearances of a violation or allegations. Embrave will assign an appropriately trained staff to promptly investigate all allegations.
Reporting Duties: Upon learning of any allegation, suspicion, or information hat a client was sexually abused, sexually harassed, or is at risk to be sexually abused or harassed, staff will immediately:
- Separate the alleged victim and abuser;
- Preserve and protect any crime scene until appropriate steps can be taken to collect any evidence.
- Alleged Victim: If the abuse occurred within a time period that still allows for the collection of physical evidence, request that the alleged victim not take any actions that could destroy physical evidence, including, as appropriate, washing, brushing teeth, changing clothes, urinating, defecating, smoking, drinking, or eating.
- Allow the victim to go to the hospital for a forensic medical to Ensure the victim has access to emergency timely access to emergency contraception, and sexually transmitted infections prophylaxis, in accordance with professionally accepted standards of care, where medically appropriate.
- Distribute to the alleged victim the contact information for a victim advocate. The victim’s advocate will be allowed to accompany the alleged victim to the forensic medical examination and investigative interviews.
- Alleged Abuser: If the abuse occurred within a time period that still allows for the collection of physical evidence, ensure that the alleged abuser does not take any actions that could destroy physical evidence, including, as appropriate, washing, brushing teeth, changing clothes, urinating, defecating, smoking, drinking, or eating.
- Identify and separate any witnesses.
- Call Colorado Springs Police Department or911 if the situation warrants. Notify supervisor or on call if after business hours
How to report a PREA incident
- Tell a staff member you trust.
- Contact Embrave PREA Coordinator (719-473-4460 ext 410) Jenner Behan
- Request to speak to medical or mental health staff, if applicable.
- Call the DOC Tips line (1-877-362-8477).
- Contact local law enforcement.
Harm Reduction
Harm reduction refers to policies, programs and practices that aim to minimize negative health, social and legal impacts associated with drug use, drug policies and drug laws.
Harm reduction policies and practices are informed by a strong body of evidence that shows interventions to be practical, feasible, effective, safe and cost-effective in diverse social, cultural and economic settings. Most harm reduction interventions are easy to implement and inexpensive, and all have a strong positive impact on individual and community health.
Three pillars of Harm Reduction:
- Demand Reduction
- Supply Reduction
- Harm Reduction
What is NARCAN:
NARCAN is a medicine that rapidly reverses an opioid overdose. It is an opioid antagonist. This means that it attaches to opioid receptors and reverses and blocks the effects of other opioids. Naloxone can quickly restore normal breathing to a person if their breathing has slowed or stopped because of an opioid overdose. But, NARCAN has no effect on someone who does not have opioids in their system, and it is not a treatment for opioid use disorder.
Embrave has NARCAN available throughout our facilities. It is located in common areas bathrooms and offices. On duty client support staff carry NARCAN on their person. All staff are trained annually on the use of NARCAN. Clients are trained int the use of NARCAN upon intake.
Fentanyl Test Strips:
Fentanyl test strips (FTS) are a simple, inexpensive, and evidence-based method of averting drug overdose. FTS are small strips of paper that can detect the presence of fentanyl in any drug batch—pills, powder, or injectables. This tool might be lifesaving for the experimenting user, for the first time, the individual in the throes of a severe opioid use disorder, the person using a preferred substance obtained from a new source.
Embrave has Fentanyl Test Strips available for all clients with a ZERO repercussion policy
Amnesty Boxes:
Many programs use amnesty boxes to reduce contraband introduction into the facility, to increase safety, and to promote compliance of the residents with contraband policies. Amnesty boxes are placed at the entrance of the facility and provide a safe, secure means for the resident to dispose of contraband before entering the building.
Embrave has placed amnesty boxes at each of their facilities with the goal of lowering the amount of contraband making it inside the facilities. This gives clients entering the facility the opportunity to dispose of any contraband without fear of retaliation.
Responding to an Overdose
If you suspect an opiate overdose, rub the person’s sternum hard with your knuckles. If they do not respond to the pain, notify the Tech office, & then give the person naloxone.

- Lay your friend on their back.
- Peel the silver backing off of the Narcan package.
- DO NOT test the device. Once you push the plunger, it all comes out at once and you will not be able to spray any more.
- Stick the tip of the device into your friend’s nostril and push the plunger, expelling all of the medication.
- While you’re waiting for it to kick in, perform rescue breathing on the person. No need for chest compressions, just tilt their head back, plug their nose, and give a deep breath every 5 seconds.
- If the first dose doesn’t wake your friend up within 2 minutes, give them the second dose. Use a new syringe.
- Rescue breathe for them until they can breathe on their own.
- Once they’re breathing on their own, place them on their side with their hand under their head.
Important info to know:
- Even with naloxone, your friend may still be at risk of death if they have taken a mixture of benzos (Xanax, Valium, etc.) or alcohol with the opiates, or if their opiates were cut with fentanyl or other long-acting opioids.
- Your friend will feel very sick when they wake up, as naloxone brings on immediate withdrawal. DO NOT LET THEM USE, even though they may want to. Otherwise, they may overdose again. They may be at risk of overdosing again 1-3 hours after the naloxone wears off even if they don’t use, so get them medical attention.
- When calling 911: All you need to say is that your friend is not breathing. If the dispatcher asks why, you are not obligated to state it is an overdose. This will increase the likelihood that only the paramedics show up, not the police. Generally, the paramedics just want to help the person & leave, so make sure you tell them everything you know when they get there.
What puts you at risk of an overdose?
Overdose happens when the opiate receptors in your brain get so filled with opiates, that your breathing slows to the point of respiratory failure. When you stop breathing, your brain stops functioning, leading to death.
This usually happens when you take more opiates than your body can handle.
This occurs when:
- Your tolerance is lowered, due to recently getting out of detox, treatment, or jail
- You are using dope/pills that are stronger than you are used to, i.e. new cut, new dealer, higher mg
- Your immune system is weakened because you are sick or recently got over being sick
- You recently started injecting, or regularly switch between smoking/snorting & injecting
- You are mixing opiates with benzos (Xanax/Valium, etc) or alcohol – this is very dangerous!!
Ways to avoid overdosing:
- If you have a new source, or you have been using less or not at all, test it out!! You can always do more – but you can’t do less.
- Consider smoking or snorting instead of injecting so you know how strong it is.
- Try not to use alone. This way, if you fall out, there will be people around to witness it.
- If you are using alone, let people in the house know, if you can, & don’t lock the door.